Fruitland - Fruitland Livestock Auction: Monthly Sheep and Goat Report for 8/15/2014

Monday, August 18, 2014

Receipts:  514    Last Month:  463    Year Ago:  651

*******The September sale will be on September 26, the forth friday************
******Sheep and goat sale is on the third Friday of the month at 10:00 am******

   Compared to last month, feeder lambs sold 5.00 higher; slaughter lambs sold 
7.00 lower; slaughter ewes traded 5.00 lower; few slaughter rams sold 10.00 higher.
  Slaughter billies sold 2.00 higher, nannies sold 4.00 lower, slaughter kids 
sold 5.00 higher, feeder kids sold 2.00 higher and yearlings in light supply; 
Demand uneven and supply light.  Sheep made up approximately 47 percent of the 
offering, 73 percent goats.   

            ***Prices quoted are per cwt. unless otherwise noted.***

   Slaughter lambs:  Choice 1   40-67 lbs, 164.00-175.00; 78-90 lbs 136.00-157.50; 
95-115 lbs 140.00-143.00. Choice 2  46-68 lbs 152.50-162.50.    

   Yearling:  pkg 120 lbs 127.50.
   Feeder lambs:  Medium and Large 1-2   few 30-40 lbs, 150.50-157.50.

   Slaughter ewes:  Utility and Good 2-3  115-165 lbs, 60.00-77.00.    

   Slaughter rams:  Utility and good 2-3  few 125-165 lbs 67.50-87.50. 

   Replacement ewes:  Utility and good 1-2  few 96-150 lbs 115.00-140.00.
   Replacement Rams:  one: 160 lbs 142.50. 

   Goats: **********All goats price per Hundred weight********************

   Kid:  Selection 1  45-70 lbs 210.00-218.00; fancy 49-55 lbs 230.00-237.50.  
Selection 1-2  50-70 
lbs, 187.50-200.00.  Selection 3  few 58-65 lbs 165.00-182.50.  

   Yearlings:  Slection 1-2  Scarce:

   Does/Nannies:  Selection 1-2   few 95-120 lbs, 110.00-132.50;  Selection 3  
80-100 lbs, 62.50-65.00.

   Billies:  Bulk medium flesh  few 80-100 lbs, 100.00-112.50.

   Replacement Billies:  few 100-120 lbs 137.50-142.50. 

   Replacement Classes:  Selection 1-2  Does/Nannies  72-110 lbs, 132.50-172.50. 

   Stocker/Feeder Kids:  Selection 1-2  20-35 lbs 182.50-217.50.  Selection 3   
32-41 lbs 142.50-168.00.   

Source: Missouri Dept of Ag/USDA Market News Service, Fruitland MO 
        Dennis Nagel, Market Reporter, 573-751-5618
        24 Hour Market Report 1-573-522-9244

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