Bernie honors Class of 2022
Monday, May 16, 2022
Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
The Bernie Class of 2022 received their diplomas Saturday during the Commencement ceremony in the Bernie High School gym.
Cameron Huus leads the Pledge of Allegiance to start the ceremony.
Wyatt Nimmo delivers the opening remarks of the ceremony.
Senior lay flowers on chair reserved for fallen classmate John William Atkinson IV. The chair also had a cap and gown draped over it.
Jaqueline Janeth Orocio-Solano wipes tears from her eyes after placing her flower.
The memorial chair for John William Atkinson IV.
Valedictorian Anna Eaton addresses her classmates.
Salutatorian John Nimmo delivers his remarks.
Bernie graduates honor their parents during the ceremony.
Bernie graduates honor their parents during the ceremony.
Bernie graduates honor their parents during the ceremony.
Bernie graduates honor their parents during the ceremony.
Seniors autograph a Snoopy doll after the ceremony.