Bite of Reality held at Dexter High School
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Dexter High School students participated in a Bite of Reality event. Students were given a profession with a monthly salary and family scenario. They then had to go to each of eight stations. At the stations they had to make choices in regards to what to spend on certain expenses and make sure their budget balanced. After the Bite of Reality program the students took part in a demonstration by Chris Brannon and Sergeant Clark Parrott with the Missouri Highway Patrol. Brannon and Parrot spoke to the students about safe driving and seatbelt safety.
Justin Trammell instructs students at the real estate station.
Dexter Parks and Recreation Director Jamie Rowe speaks to students at the entertainment station.
Myles Urhahn speaks to students at the food/grocery station.
From left: Gaje Ward, Grant Ayers and Abby Rash check their budgets after visiting one of the stations.
Jayci Holcumb checks her budget at one of the stations.
Dexter Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Alisha Trammell speaks to students at the shopping station.
Sergeant Derrick Durrall with the Dexter Police Department introduces Knox, the depsrtments K-9. Durrall presented a program showing the students the abilities and duties of the k-9