Summer McGowan, Elementary Counselor at Bernie Schools, headed up a community service project recently. Bernie Elementary worked with HOPE International to complete this project. For three weeks, students worked to collect money for the project to host their own Food Packaging event. Each classroom had a money jar and the money was collected and counted daily. Prizes were offered for the student collecting the most money in grades K-2 and 3-6 and for the class collecting the most in grades K-2 and 3-6. The individuals collecting the most money got to put a pie in the faces of Principal Tommie Ellenburg and McGowan. The winning classes won popcorn parties. Many of the teachers offered extra incentives if the goal of $1,000 was reached. The following participated and these incentives were awarded for students randomly drawn: Jackie Bennett: let a student wrap her like a mummy Shelly Dockins: pie in the face Nicole Garner: pie in the face Beth Noe: bucket of water dumped on her Paige Williams: bucket of water dumped on her Palisa Huber: Pizza Hut $10 gift card Kendra Summer: McDonald's meal of choice delivered to school Andrea Galloway: McDonald's meal of choice delivered to school Sandra Richey: gift bag of candy and school supplies Edna Smith: student gets to be a teacher for a day (sit at her desk and read or teach a lesson to class) Casey Arnold: offered a candy bar and soda By the end of the project, the school collected $2,742.91, all of which was given to HOPE to pay for supplies for the food packaging event. On Wednesday, Oct. from 8:30-10:30, 5th and 6th grade students worked in stations in the elementary gym to package food to be distributed all over Southeast Missouri. Breakdown of totals: K-2 1st place: Summers $710.15 2nd: Powell $138.63 3rd: Williams $80.00 4th: Richey $49.33 5th: Galloway $36.17 6th: Dockins $32.1 7th: Huber $27.78 Individual K-2 Winners Spencer Ellsworth $349.97 Blair Pleimling $305.00 Jonathan Aycock $118.00 Grades 3-6 1st place: Baker $611.68 2nd: Hare $373.71 3rd: Maybery $237.71 4th: Noe $206.25 5th: Jackson $119.76 6th: Smith $18.84 7th: Garner $17.54 8th: Arnold $2.95 9th: Johnson Individual Gr. 3-6 Winners Joel Aycock: $491.20 Luke Tanner: $230.00 Gabby Young: $106.50