NewsMay 24, 2019

Photos courtesy of Melanie Keena/Southwest Elemtary
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Pennington and Brayden Billingsley work on their towers.
P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } Taylor Pennington and Brayden Billingsley work on their towers.Photos courtesy of Melanie Keena/Southwest Elemtary
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Gott builds a sturdy structure.
P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } Natalie Gott builds a sturdy structure.Photos courtesy of Melanie Keena/Southwest Elemtary
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Ashlin and Maci Robison work on their towers.
P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } Damien Ashlin and Maci Robison work on their towers.Photos courtesy of Melanie Keena/Southwest Elemtary

Second grade summer school students at Southwest Elementary spent time constructing towers using spaghetti, Play-Doh and Cheerios. The goal was to construct the highest tower.
