RACHEL COBB - Rachel is the daughter of Lonnie and Ginger Cobb.Rachel is a 4 year member of the volleyball team she is also a member of Stuco, Deca, FCA, FCCLA, FBLA, and Pep Club.Rachel is planning on attending Jefferson College to continue her volleyball career and major in sports management.Rachel's most memorable volleyball moment was at Branson playing IRL Among Us in our cabin.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
CAITLIN GILES - Caitlin is the daughter of Tripp and Laura Giles. Caitlin is a 4 year member of the volleyball team. She is also a member of the girls varsity basketball team, varsity track and field team, National Honors Society, BETA, Top 10%, FBLA, DECA, FCCLA, Pep Club, HOSA Future Health Professionals, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.Caitlin is planning on attending Ole Miss where she will pursue an undergraduate degree in Kinesiology and ultimately a Doctorate of Physical Therapy. Caitlins's most memorable volleyball moment is playing leapfrog with Coach Pulley.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
CARLY LONG - Carly is the daughter of Jason and Geren Long.Carly is a 4 year member of the volleyball team, FCCLA, FCA, Beta club, National Honor Society, Pep Club, and HOSA.Carly is planning on attending college to major in Elementary Education or Nursing, and is considering continuing her volleyball career. Carly's most memorable volleyball moment is winning districts her sophomore year and winning county her junior year.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
MOLLY SIMMONS - Molly is the daughter of Lara and Jonathan SimmonsMolly is a 4 year member of the volleyball team. She is also involved in varsity softball, FCA, FBLA, DECA, National Honor Society, Chamber Choir, Theater, and Broadcasting.Molly is planning on attending the University of Missouri and majoring in Journalism.Molly's most memorable volleyball moment is pranking coach Pulley in Branson.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
The senior members of the Dexter volleyball team were honored Tuesday evening before the varsity game against Doniphan.