NewsJuly 3, 2019

Lovelady reads the book “What if Everybody did That” to the kids
in attendance.
Marsha Lovelady reads the book “What if Everybody did That” to the kids in attendance.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
Delay took a brief break from looking for the Star Wars characters at
the library to smile at the camera.
Sydney Delay took a brief break from looking for the Star Wars characters at the library to smile at the camera.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
Holden throws a paper airplane at the opening in the “Death Star”
held by Goldschmidt.
Reece Holden throws a paper airplane at the opening in the “Death Star” held by Goldschmidt.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
Rowe with the Dexter Parks and Recreation Department helps the kids
with the Saturn ring toss.
Jamie Rowe with the Dexter Parks and Recreation Department helps the kids with the Saturn ring toss.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
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Librarian Bree Goldschmidt shows kids how to perform the “light
saber” training.
Children's Librarian Bree Goldschmidt shows kids how to perform the “light saber” training.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
Lovelady helps his grandson Canaan Lovelady figure out the moon
Ron Lovelady helps his grandson Canaan Lovelady figure out the moon shoes.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
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kids in attendance were given frisbees, crayons, a pencil and water
bottle from the Dexter Parks and Recreation Department.
The kids in attendance were given frisbees, crayons, a pencil and water bottle from the Dexter Parks and Recreation Department.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
Rowe with the Dexter Parks and Recreation Department holds up a
coloring sheet that was handed out to the kids. If they color it and
drop it off at the Parks and Recreation Department office at East
Park, they will receive a free pass to the Dexter Aquatic Center.
Jamie Rowe with the Dexter Parks and Recreation Department holds up a coloring sheet that was handed out to the kids. If they color it and drop it off at the Parks and Recreation Department office at East Park, they will receive a free pass to the Dexter Aquatic Center.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
Edwards tries her hand at the moon shoes.  These are meant to
simulate walking on the moon.
Ryleigh Edwards tries her hand at the moon shoes. These are meant to simulate walking on the moon.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
Owens tries the moon shoes as part of the “astronaut training”
behind the library.
Paisley Owens tries the moon shoes as part of the “astronaut training” behind the library.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
Marshall fires a paper airplane through the opening in the “Death
Max Marshall fires a paper airplane through the opening in the “Death Star”.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
Goldschmidt folds a paper airplane so he can take his shot at the
“Death Star”.
Elliott Goldschmidt folds a paper airplane so he can take his shot at the “Death Star”.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
Banken tries out the moon shoes.
Farrah Banken tries out the moon shoes.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
station was set up for the kids to solve mazes as well.
A station was set up for the kids to solve mazes as well.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers

It was fun and games at Keller Public Library during the summer reading program. Marsha Lovelady along with the Dexter Parks And Recreation Department were on hand to provide stories, games and goodies to the kids in attendance. This year's summer reading program theme is space.
