"God even watches over chubby, old cowboys," laughs a robust Gary Rhine, referring to his recovery just one year ago from Chondrosarcoma, a type of malignant tumor that is typically found in the cartilage cells of the femur, arm, pelvis, knee or spine. In Rhine's case, it was the pelvic bone that was affected. Doctors at Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis removed a tumor nearly a foot in length and about five inches in width from around the pelvic bone, actually removing a portion of the pelvic bone itself in the process and repositioning it with the help of wire and metal that continues to hold Gary Rhine's pelvis in place.
The Malden auctioneer, with his trademark handlebar mustache and Stetson in place, may not have the same spring in his step that he had a year ago, but the twinkle in his eye, coupled with a deep appreciation for the second chance he has been afforded in life, more than make up for his lack of speed and mobility. Following surgery last year, he advanced from a bed, to a wheelchair, to a walker, and then to a sturdy cane, which seems now to serve as another appendage. He is never without it at his right side.
It was during Rhine's recovery period over a two-month stay at a nursing facility in Gideon that he became acquainted with the efforts of a charity called 18 Fore Life, when his wife of 40 years appeared at the facility one day with a $1000 check in hand.
"Linda came to see me one evening and had this check that had arrived unannounced in the mail at home," Rhine explains.
"It was for $1000 and neither of us had any idea why some organization called "18 Fore Life" would be sending us money. I told her to put it in the bank but not to spend a penny of it in case we had to give it back!"
The following day, from the nursing facility, Rhine went to work, as he says, "to see what this 18 Fore Life thing is all about."
Through a channel of friends and relatives, it wasn't long before the Rhines discovered exactly why they received that check and exactly what 18 Fore Life was. He learned of the organization's origin and their efforts to accommodate cancer patients with money to help defray the expenses that a cancer diagnosis brings.
After a call to Scott Kruse, organizer of the annual charity based in Dexter, Rhine went to work to support the cause that came to his aid at one of the most challenging times in his 59 years.
Each year at the annual 18 Fore Life Banquet, which is slated to take place on June 5 this year, a silent auction is held to assist in the fundraising efforts that coincide with the golf charity.
An auctioneer since the 1970s, Rhine had an idea.
"I told Scott I'd like to take the idea of having an auction that night just a little further and have a live auction. I told him I'm in the auction business and that's all I know how to do. I want to raise ten times what you sent me."
Through some connections in the Nashville area, Rhine has established an impressive catalog of items that will be auctioned off during the June 5 banquet, including several NASCAR-related items and several items connected to top stars within the country music field.
"We've got a Charlie Daniels fiddle and case to auction off and an autographed Alan Jackson CD and songbook, along with a Dale Earnhardt race jacket, a George Strait autographed tour jacket, an autographed Jeff Gordon flat-top guitar, and several other NASCAR and music-related items."
Perhaps the biggest draw, however, that Rhine has made possible, is an autographed Kenny Rogers flat-top guitar, which is the only item secured by Rhine that will be raffled off rather than auctioned. Tickets for the item may be obtained through Rhine himself at Dixie Auction Service in Malden, or by contacting the 18 Fore Life Golf Charity at 573-624-8751. The tickets sell for $10 each or three for $20.
A colorful character who is on a mission to help cancer patients in the same manner by which he was helped himself, Gary Rhine is intent on raising a minimum of $10,000 during the live auction at 18 Fore Life's June 5 banquet.
To sweeten the pot, Kruse himself has placed a challenge of his own on the table, stating that if Rhine can top the $10,000 amount promised, he will allow his head to be shaved in front of the banquet crowd.
Not to be outdone, Rhine has voiced a challenge of his own.
"If we can raise $15,000, I'll have my head shaved too," Rhine offers, adding, "Now that doesn't include the mustache."
Gary Rhine says he doesn't have much of a story to tell. He much prefers to tell someone else's story than his own, but 18 Fore Life banquet attendees will be treated to Rhine's story first-hand. Rhine is one of the two scheduled speakers to address the banquet crowd in June.
Following Rhine's presentation, Jon Sundvold, Missouri Tiger great and 16th-round-pick in the NBA draft, will also address the banquet's crowd. Sundvold is noted for his commenting for Mizzou basketball and is a successful Columbia businessman.
As an added bonus for this year's 18 Fore Life crowd, Dexter's own Lt. General Clyde Vaughn, who currently serves as Director of the US National Guard at the Pentagon in Washington, DC, will also be present at the June 5 banquet.
"Vaughn has a surprise from some friends at NASCAR," says Kruse, "who have found out a bit about 18 Fore Life."
A 2009 Club Car and trailer valued at over $5500 will also be given away at the banquet and the BUZZ, Kruse' 70s and 80s cover band, will entertain, wrapping up the night of celebrating, giving and remembering.
Further information regarding this year's 18 Fore Life efforts or information regarding participation in the golf tournament and/or banquet to be held at the Dexter Elks Lodge on Two Mile Road may be obtained at 18forelife.com.