Passenger Riley Christian is injured in the car during the mock crash.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
James Barks is given a sobriety test during the mock crash.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
James Barks is given a sobriety test during the mock crash.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
James Barks is given a sobriety test during the mock crash.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
James Barks is given a sobriety test during the mock crash.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Barks takes a breathalyzer test during the mock crash.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Barks is taken into custody for impaired driving during the mock crash.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
The driver, James Barks, is in shock during the mock crash.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Bloomfield High School Principal James Karnes speaks to the student in the high school gym following the mock crash.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
The students, first responders and student volunteers Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
The Bloomfield Fire Department cuts open the car.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Members of the Bloomfield Fire Department run the compressor that powers the cutter.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Christian is placed on a back board during the mock crash.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Christian is safely secured to prevent further injury during the mock crash.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
A mock crash was conducted at Bloomfield School by Stoddard County EMS, Missouri State Highway Patrol, Bloomfield Fire Department and the Bloomfield Police Department to show students the outcome of driving while impaired.