NewsApril 10, 2014

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Under the direction of Mr. James Eldreth, the 2nd grade classes of Mrs. Mick, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Bell, and Mrs. Justice performed the musical Mighty Minds. It was about the stress of standardized testing. The students are in a panic! It's time for testing! The teacher needs help fast, and there's only one thing to do. Hello, Mighty Minds? Come quick! In a whirlwind of action, the cape-clad Mighty Minds race to the rescue with clever dialog and songs that help the students get fired up about learning. Discover how reading can be F! U! N!; how a little Conga Math can solve problems; how knowledge is power! This 20-minute musical for Grades 2-5 is packed with learning fun and a castload of parts for everyone to get involved. Add John Jacobson's choreography and Mark Brymer's heroic orchestration for learning that will last long after the curtain closes! Includes 6 original songs.
