NewsMay 29, 2020

Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Dexter Mayor Jason Banken presented
Trammell with a plaque on behalf of the city to thank Trammell for
her service to the library.
Dexter Mayor Jason Banken presented Trammell with a plaque on behalf of the city to thank Trammell for her service to the library.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Trammell (left) stands with new Keller
Library Director Jordan Myers, who will assume the role on June 1.
Trammell (left) stands with new Keller Library Director Jordan Myers, who will assume the role on June 1.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
The Keller Library Board of Directors
poses for a photo with Trammell. Pictured from left are June
Lawrence, Connie Churchill, Debbie Vanslyke, Teresa Overall, Ashley
Mayer, Trammell, Brett Miller, Kurt Lovelady, Tammy Crowley and Renee
The Keller Library Board of Directors poses for a photo with Trammell. Pictured from left are June Lawrence, Connie Churchill, Debbie Vanslyke, Teresa Overall, Ashley Mayer, Trammell, Brett Miller, Kurt Lovelady, Tammy Crowley and Renee Trout.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Trammell holds up her retirement cake
prior to it being served.
Trammell holds up her retirement cake prior to it being served.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers

A reception for retiring Keller Library Director Pam Trammell took place following the library board meeting Thursday evening. Cake and other refreshments were served.
